Welcome....just a little peek in to the crazy lives of the Hlavacek's.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


So, my coworker and I play wordfued on a daily basis. Some may say that we are mildly obsessed. We think it keeps our brains sharp. However, how sharp can my brain really be if i have only beat her once. We have played maybe 30 times now. My time has got to come. I never realized how much strategy played a part in a "word" game.

Side note: Holden can walk now! And he jabbers away saying words like, Dada, Uh oh, and TEXAS. Because every 10 mth old's third word is Texas. Duh. I mean, it would be too obvious for his third word to be Mama or even his first or second. Maybe by the time he's two he'll know who I am. LOL. Maybe i should teach him Christina. Because there is probably a greater chance that he'll say that first.

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